Fairy Water
Chambres d'hotes
Home made lemonade, for 2 liter
Preparation time: 10 minutes + let alone 2 hours
Boiling time: 5 minutes
225 gr sugar
2,5 dl water
3 eetl fine rasped lemon peel
2,5 dl lemon juice
1,5 L water
1. Mix a little water and the sugar in a pan with
a thick bottom. Stir at medium temperature without boiling
until all sugar has dissolved. Now make it boil during one
minute. Let it cool down.
2. Mix the fine rasped lemon peel and the remaining water.
Add the sirop which is now cooled down. Let alone the whole
during 2 hours. Sift and put in the refridgerator.
Dilute as your prefered taste. |